
Remember ESG… the small classes, the camaraderie, the informal and close-knit community, the late night lounge discussions, and the opportunity for educational innovation?

The generosity of ESG’s alumni and other supporters enables us to offer the kind of educational innovation that makes ESG so unique, exciting, and meaningful. While teaching the first-year general institute requirements (our core mission) is supported financially by MIT, ESG’s seminars and other educational experiments are completely funded from sources outside the Institute.

Your tax-deductible donations can provide funding for current educational initiatives or be put toward a permanent ESG endowment.

Donate online:

Experimental Study Group (ESG) Fund:
This provides funding for current educational projects and experiments.  Funds given to this account are accessible immediately and can be applied to activities taking place at ESG today.  You can give to this account by clicking here.

ESG Endowment Fund:
Gifts made here contribute to our effort to raise $2,000,000 in endowment, the income of which will provide funding for future educational initiatives and experiments. You can give to this account by clicking here 

Donate by mail:

Please make a check payable to MIT and enclose a note indicating that your contribution is for the Experimental Study Group (ESG). You can mail your check to:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 412926
Boston, MA 02241-2926

For questions related to giving:
Phone: 617.253.0129
E-mail: giving@mit.edu

Thank you for helping to transform the MIT experience, one ESG step at at time!