
Public Service Fellowships

2024 ESG-PKG Center Fellowships

ESG partners with the MIT Priscilla King Gray Public Service Center to fund public service projects that serve communities in need outside the confines of the Institute.  Awards of up to $7500 are granted to ESG students to fund projects that:

  • Serve communities in need, either in the US or abroad
  • Are conducted during the summer break (June-August)
  • Have a hands-on educational component or involve small-group learning and peer-to-peer teaching

Past projects include the creation of an award-winning pregnancy and postpartum app for Black women, the development of a voice-to-text-text-to-braille system to aid those who are hearing and sight-impaired, the building of a school library in Nepal, and the development of STEM  curricula for schools in rural Nicaragua.

All interested ESG first-year students, sophomores, or juniors are invited to apply.  A complete set of guidelines for project proposals can be found on the PKG Center website: https://pkgcenter.mit.edu/programs/fellowships/esg-pkg-fellowships/

Applications are due March 19, 2025, at 9 am and should be submitted directly to the PKG Center.