How peer teaching benefits first–year students
Ask a first–year student about the ESG experience, and you will probably hear about p–setting (working on problem sets) in the lounge with friends. Office hours and study sessions with TAs are offered most days of the week, providing opportunities for you to ask questions and receive guidance and feedback. You will learn from TAs who recently completed the same classes that you are taking and understand the difficulties of the material. Since your TAs are also undergraduates, they can offer you a wealth of information about life at MIT.
How peer teaching benefits TAs
If you do well in a GIR at ESG, you may have the opportunity to TA that subject as early as your sophomore year. Through the process of teaching, you will address the different learning styles and abilities of your students, and develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of the subject you are TAing. It’s a great way to cement what you learned in the GIRs, get to know your fellow ESGers, gain valuable teaching experience, and earn some money.
How ESG TAs learn to teach
As a TA, you will prepare for your teaching role by taking the ESG Teaching Seminar. You will explore the pedagogy behind good teaching, learn how to set appropriate boundaries, and navigate the expectations of your students and supervisors. The seminar will provide guidance, supervision, and a safe environment for you to share your teaching experiences and learn from your fellow TAs. ESG TAs report that during this process, they gained confidence and skills that served them throughout their time at MIT and beyond.